Dreams Slowly Coming Through
Hole, 1989, still from a color video, 11 minutes.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch Party for Animals, which entered parliament for the first time last November, has forbidden the laying of poison to deal with a mouse infestation in its offices, a newspaper reported on Wednesday.
The party, which campaigns for animal rights and compassionate farming, will only allow humane traps in the parliament wing where its offices are housed, allowing trapped mice to be released unharmed, the daily De Telegraaf reported. ~ Read more...
When it comes to having a central nervous system, and the ability to feel pain, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. ~ Ingrid Newkirk
Like human equality, animal equality doesn't mean equal abilities. It means that all animals have an equal right to moral consideration and legal protection. And by "all animals" I mean all sentient beings, every creature who can feel. It's reasonable and right to treat any creature with a nervous system as sentient. Reasonable because of the shared ancestry and physiological similarities of all nervous systems. Reasonable because creatures with a nervous system act as if they feel. Right because we should give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to moral consideration. Because all beings who can feel need protection, all beings who can feel are entitled to rights. The sole criterion for rights should be sentience. ~ Animal Equality (Joan Dunayer Speech at 2002 Austrian AR Conf)
DreamingRecovery (aka. Dreamer of Animal Rights), Parliamentary Party for Animal Rights!, 2006, 2 minutes.
This is the first time ever in which a party with an agenda focused primarily on animal rights has been elected into a representative body of the people. This is great news for the Animals Rights Activits and Animals around the world!

The Party for the Animals’ platform is built around the belief that both animals and humans are living creatures with emotions and a conscience and therefore, animals have the right to be treated with respect by humans. This means that regardless of whether they are in the wild or are kept in farms or homes, animals should be able to live according to their own nature and not have their well-being affected by humans without reasonable or necessary reason. The party believes the extent to which a human society is ‘civilised’ can be measured by the way in which its members treat other living creatures and the natural environment in general.
ALFJAG, Animal Liberation Front Give Mice and Rats Freedom, 2006, 4 minutes.
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ReplyDeleteI'd vote for marianne thienne.