Dreamer: I don't believe anyone can truely 'own' a piece of earth
Spiral and Four Birds, 1996, pen and acrylic on paper, from the book Crying Over Spilled Milk, 1992-1997.
A rat has been in my house for over half a year. Sometimes I hear him scratching things. I've seen him many times infront of the fridge. What a cutie! Little paws sticking up, and he's sniffing and looking around.
I figure the house is just as much his as it is mine, since I don't believe anyone can truely 'own' a piece of earth. I believe we share it. Some people might say that's quite a radical way to think, but I think of it this way:
The house that I am in is made partly of wood. The wood came from trees in the forest that were cut down. Many inhabitants of the tree died so this house would be built, so if a creature decides they wanna come sleep over, they are welcome.
Besides, it's cold outside, and I think he prefers to stay in the warmth.
African Americans dreamed of freedom. Woman, of rights. Workers, for an 8 hour day. Children didn't wanna be hit. Gays and lesbians, wanted equal respect. If we think back 100 years ago and compare that to where we are now, we can see that the world has in many ways become more compassionate, understanding, and rational. It's only a matter of time before animals will have equal rights too.
Question Authority - Investigate - EXPOSE!
DreamingRecovery (aka. Dreamer of Animal Rights), Animal Rights Activists: There IS Hope, 2007, 3 minutes.